Real impact, real results

Medicaid, Snap & Social Safety Net Programs

Serve families faster and with increased accuracy

Are you and your team ready to meet the need?

Families facing an urgent need often turn to their communities for help. For many, this comes in the form of access to food, health care, employment, childcare, child support, and social services. It is critical that you and your team are ready to effectively deliver these vital safety-net services our residents so desperately need.

C!A® is the industry leader for helping human services agencies across the country transform their service delivery and business practices. We focus on finding innovative solutions to the biggest challenge facing human services today: the need to increase capacity to serve a larger number of customers as accurately and quickly as possible.

Working side by side with dedicated staff, agency leaders, and stakeholders, we have streamlined the delivery of programs including:

  • Medicaid
  • SNAP
  • TANF
  • Childcare
  • Child Support
  • General Assistance
  • Case Management

These efforts have resulted in dramatic improvements such as 70% faster delivery of food, health care, and social safety nets and increased child support collections. These outcomes were achieved while serving 40% to 130% more customers with fewer staff and no large investments in technology.

70% improvement in timeliness

40% – 130% more families served

60% – 80% increase in same-day determinations

Helped clients avert financial sanctions and court injunctions

Increasing your capacity to do more good

Whether you serve customers in local/field offices, call centers, processing centers, or via a network of community partners, we will improve your service delivery and workflow to serve more families faster.

The demand for services is increasing, the number of customers is not declining, the complexity of the work continues to grow, and the pressure to meet our mission is all-consuming

At C!A we have extensive experience helping states and counties redesign the business practices supporting:

  • Eligibility determination for federally and state-funded safety net programs and social services including Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, childcare, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and General Assistance
  • Child support processes of locating noncustodial parents, establishing paternity, establishing/enforcing orders, and collecting/distributing child support payments
  • Fraud investigations, prevention, and recovery

Our comprehensive redesign efforts enable human service agencies to fix broken systems, change organizational culture, improve their capacity to meet program goals, and deliver vital services to customers faster and more accurately. The states with which C!A has worked to redesign business practices:

  • Serve 40% to 130% more families with improved accuracy and timeliness
  • Complete 60% to 80% of all eligibility determinations at “First Contact” with the customer or interaction with the case
  • No longer face federal financial sanctions or court injunctions
  • Maximize the benefits of technology and integrated eligibility solutions

Automation is not innovation – the redesign of how we work is very different from how we automate our work

Despite significant investments in technology that promised to solve the workload challenges in human services, customers still wait weeks to gain access to services. Technology innovations have helped us organize the unfinished work, but they have yet to help us eliminate it.

Automation of existing practices seems like the best way to respond to these challenges, when in reality, the answer is much simpler: We must first evaluate and redesign our service delivery pipeline to address our capacity challenges, and then use technology to automate the right process and strategies

We integrate our team of former human services leaders in your operations to provide performance monitoring and oversight (M&O) of field offices and call centers. Our experts work side-by-side with you agency’s local manager and staff to:


  • Provide guidance on workload priorities and staffing decisions to meet cyclical demands
  • Identify opportunities, propose solutions, and help local managers move the performance needle

Applying adult learning principles, we assess and redesign your training curriculum and delivery in a manner that integrates policy, business practices, system training, and on the-job-training in a cohesive and practical training experience.

Imagine a workforce that is ready to serve customers as soon as training is complete.

We review agencies’ policies within the framework of CFR and state statutes to identify opportunities to further align, streamline, and achieve your state’s policy agenda.

As part of the review, C!A creates new policy manuals that integrate clarifying text and case examples to provide more practical application for staff.

Current™, C!A’s SaaS service delivery platform for health and human services powered by Vimo®, helps you manage on-site and virtual operations. With its powerful, real-time insights at your fingertips, you can confidently manage all work + staff capacity in real time. Designed to optimize your agency’s performance and worker productivity, Current prioritizes work and delivers it to workers at the right time, ensuring as many customers as possible are served with the resources available each day. And, by giving you needed visibility into your entire on-site and virtual operation, you will know every minute how well the agency is meeting demand and delivering access to benefits.

Serve as many customers as possible with the resources available each day

Current™, C!A’s SaaS service delivery platform for health and human services powered by Vimo®, helps you manage on-site and virtual operations. With its powerful, real-time insights at your fingertips, you can confidently manage all work + staff capacity in real time. Designed to optimize your agency’s performance and worker productivity, Current prioritizes work and delivers it to workers at the right time, ensuring as many customers as possible are served with the resources available each day. And, by giving you needed visibility into your entire on-site and virtual operation, you will know every minute how well the agency is meeting demand and delivering access to benefits.

We Serve

  • Our solutions are currently implemented across states

Thought Leadership: Medicaid, Snap & Social Safety Net Programs

Transform how the work of government gets done

Using our proven and unique methods, we challenge the government’s status quo. While many focus on tackling symptoms, we focus on underlying problems (which are almost always tied to broken systems) to help you increase your capacity to do all the good our citizens need us to do in this world.

Cutting Edge Technology for Public Sector

We're reinventing the way states administer safety net programs such as Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), child care, and unemployment insurance. With our cutting-edge technology, we’re helping agencies help more people, faster, and transforming healthcare service delivery as we know it.

Manage on-site and virtual operations in one seamless solution

Accelerate eligibility decisions for quicker access to benefits

Partners for a brighter future

While C!A’s team understands the status quo of government, they are not afraid to challenge it with new thinking.  It is this new thinking that has led to our clients’ success and helped them create a new way of doing government business.

About Change & Innovation

Public servants by experience and at heart, Change & Innovation Agency’s (C!A®) team understands first-hand the challenges that you and your team face as you work to deliver vital safety net benefits to children and families in need.

Our Team

Together, we work with you and your team to increase your capacity to do more good.

It all comes down to timeliness — how quickly you can deliver services to those who need them. That’s what our families care about, that’s what our legislators care about. With the transition to process management, we’ve turned our cycle time around. Applications that used to take 22 or 23 days to process, now take an average of 5.

Ronald Kreher, Director Department of Health and Social Services,State of Alaska Division of Public Assistance

Thought Leadership

Learn more about human services innovation through this collection of articles written by our team of change agents


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Capacity Calculator

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Case Studies

Learn about some of the greatest challenges facing government today and how government systems can be improved.