Full capacity visibility
Insights Engine™
Delivers real-time eligibility verification for Human Services programs by aggregating and analyzing recent and reliable data from multiple sources
Accelerate eligibility decisions for quicker access to benefits
Insights Engine helps you improve eligibility decision timeliness by…
- Significantly reducing manual case work
- Improving accuracy and avoiding costly rework
- Maximizing first-call resolution
- Maximizing no-touch eligibility
Align service delivery with the realities of today’s workforce
Your mission is not changing, but how you serve customers must. Insights Engine™ helps you revolutionize how you serve customers.
The Old Way
Slow and Manual
With Insights Engine™
Fast and Automated
Takes friction out of verification and enables immediate data access and no touch eligibility recommendations.
Few Data Points
Comprehensive Data Set
Obtains, combines, and transforms the most up-to-date data from trusted commercial and public data sources to validate customer circumstances impacting eligibility.
Static and Outdated
Continuous Monitoring
Case workers notified when a customer experiences a material change in circumstance impacting eligibility.
Case Worker Capacity Crisis
Increase Capacity
Automation frees up case worker time and increases their capacity to do more good.
Lengthy Training Times
Shorter Ramp Up Times
Policy is encoded in configuration business rules which ensures consistent Program delivery across all agents and channels.
Government Powered by Insights Engine™
Don’t see your area of interest? We are always expanding our Insights Engine™ offering to other areas of government. Contact us today if you would like to explore making Insights Engine™ work for you and your agency.