Build capacity and help kids and families thrive

Child Welfare

Give staff and supervisors more time to do their jobs

Rising above the challenges

Deluged by an influx of new cases, and saddled with outdated, broken and convoluted processes shaped by years of added non-coordinated CYA steps, new laws and regulations, underfunding and failed IT projects, caseworkers and supervisors – although doing their very best – cannot keep up with the ever-increasing demand.

Rather than blaming caseworkers and supervisors, we at C!A® empower them to transform their broken systems and regain the capacity they need to deliver vital services to help children and families.

What more can we do?

While it is our belief – and experience – that streamlining business processes is fundamental to helping caseworkers serve more families more timely and consistently, we continue to ask “What else can be done to do more good?”

It is this question that drives us to continually seek new, innovative approaches that challenge and disrupt the status quo and augment the important work of caseworkers to help them better help children and families in need.

Build capacity to help you help more kids and families thrive:

New, innovative approaches

Capacity-focused Process Redesign

Give staff and supervisors more time to do their jobs


What if you could spend 40% more time with families?

Increasing capacity has a tremendous positive impact on child welfare organizations, the quality of work and the morale of its workers. C!A’s team is dedicated to helping agencies that are strained due to turnover, vacancies, and high caseload, implement proven techniques that have helped others discover capacity, allowing them to spend more time on case work.

This new-found improvement allows workers to refocus on children, better manage complexity, and improve consistent quality in their family-centric practice.

From intake, to assessment, to on-going, to permanency and transitional youth services, working together we can achieve lasting results by implementing staff- and supervisor-designed, improved management systems, process management and first touch resolution techniques.

Want to explore how you can increase capacity to do more good? Contact us today.

Pre-CCWIS Process Redesign

Capacity via technology


How can we maximize capacity with our technology?

When preparing for a new CCWIS project, it is the perfect time to take a step back and evaluate how you and your team perform your very important work serving children and families. By redesigning how you do your work, you will undoubtedly discover opportunities to regain capacity, while ensuring you and your team perform work in the most efficient way possible.

Process redesign in advance of pursuing a new technology solution will help you optimize your technology investment, ensuring you are developing a solution that aligns with the new, streamlined processes.

As a leader for business process redesign in human services, C!A can help you redesign or enhance your processes, as well as develop technical requirements that will help you accommodate your new processes, capture additional capacity gains, and provide actionable insights that will further support your new way of performing your work. Working with your technology vendor, we can specify the functions and features that will make a real impact in your daily work and, ultimately, case outcomes.

Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can work with you to redesign your processes in support of investing in, developing, and implementing a successful technology solution.


Rethinking how work gets done: Delivering results that matter

75% reduction in time from initial report to fully documented assessment closure

85% reduction in assessment caseloads

45% reduction in subsequent substantiations and 65% fewer children returning into care

10% reduction in kids in care

80% more capacity to:

  • Work more closely with families
  • Improve on safety model
  • Develop and support staff

Our approach for tackling the child welfare capacity crisis

As we work with child welfare agencies across the country, here’s what we’re learning.

We Serve

  • C!A’s capacity building solutions for Child Welfare are currently implemented across 9 states and DC

Thought Leadership: Child Welfare

Transform how the work of government gets done

Using our proven and unique methods, we challenge the government’s status quo. While many focus on tackling symptoms, we focus on underlying problems (which are almost always tied to broken systems) to help you increase your capacity to do all the good our citizens need us to do in this world.

Cutting Edge Technology for Public Sector

We're reinventing the way states administer safety net programs such as Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), child care, and unemployment insurance. With our cutting-edge technology, we’re helping agencies help more people, faster, and transforming healthcare service delivery as we know it.

Manage on-site and virtual operations in one seamless solution

Accelerate eligibility decisions for quicker access to benefits

Partners for a brighter future

While C!A’s team understands the status quo of government, they are not afraid to challenge it with new thinking.  It is this new thinking that has led to our clients’ success and helped them create a new way of doing government business.

About Change & Innovation

Public servants by experience and at heart, Change & Innovation Agency’s (C!A®) team understands first-hand the challenges that you and your team face as you work to deliver vital safety net benefits to children and families in need.

Our Team

Together, we work with you and your team to increase your capacity to do more good.

It all comes down to timeliness — how quickly you can deliver services to those who need them. That’s what our families care about, that’s what our legislators care about. With the transition to process management, we’ve turned our cycle time around. Applications that used to take 22 or 23 days to process, now take an average of 5.

Ronald Kreher, Director Department of Health and Social Services,State of Alaska Division of Public Assistance

Thought Leadership

Learn more about human services innovation through this collection of articles written by our team of change agents


Read the latest news from Change & Innovation Agency

Capacity Calculator

Calculate the resources you need to increase your agency capacity

Case Studies

Learn about some of the greatest challenges facing government today and how government systems can be improved.