Serve the Modern Family

Child Support

Reclaim capacity to do more good

Leading family-centered child support transformation

Child support has long been one of the most successful safety net programs in the country’s history. The social landscape in which child support has operated for nearly a century, however, is changing and collections on behalf of children are declining across the country.

To continue to remain relevant and effective and achieve the outcomes that matter most – such as improve parental engagement, increase collections on behalf of children, and enhance the customer and worker experience – agencies that operate child support programs are discovering that they must transform to meet the evolving needs of the modern family.

To successfully transform and create a more family-centered program, it is critical that child support staff have the capacity to perform work designed to promote parental responsibility, move more parents to paying status, and increase reliability of child support payments

With limited staffing and budgetary resources, child support programs find that they must reclaim the needed staffing capacity from within their existing operation. And this is where the Change & Innovation Agency (C!A®) team comes in to help.

Using our proven, capacity-building approaches and technology solutions, we help you rethink how the important work of your program gets done to drive voluntary compliance and improve outcomes.

Rethink how the work gets done to drive voluntary compliance and improve outcomes

Increase collections

Improve parental engagement

Improve worker morale and retention

Strengthen compliance and avoid penalties

Improve accuracy of orders

What we do… and how we help

Rethink how your child support program serves children and families in need

We Serve

  • C!A’s capacity building solutions for Child Support are currently implemented across 5 states

Our Proven Capacity-Building Approach:

Act today to deliver a bright future for children and families

Do not let this pivotal moment in the history of child support pass you by without taking action.

Contact our Child Support Practice Team today and let’s discuss how we can help you and your team deliver brighter tomorrows to children and families in need.

If you have dreamed of making an impact in child support, the time to take action is now.

While modernization opens the door to transform how you serve children and families in need, as a leader, you have to be willing to take the important step to envision a new future and lead the way.

But, you do not have to take the journey alone. C!A’s experienced Child Support Practice Team – highly skilled in modernization and business process redesign efforts – is ready to help you change the trajectory of child support in your jurisdication

Thought Leadership: Child Support

Transform how the work of government gets done

Using our proven and unique methods, we challenge the government’s status quo. While many focus on tackling symptoms, we focus on underlying problems (which are almost always tied to broken systems) to help you increase your capacity to do all the good our citizens need us to do in this world.

Cutting Edge Technology for Public Sector

We're reinventing the way states administer safety net programs such as Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), child care, and unemployment insurance. With our cutting-edge technology, we’re helping agencies help more people, faster, and transforming healthcare service delivery as we know it.

Manage on-site and virtual operations in one seamless solution

Accelerate eligibility decisions for quicker access to benefits

Partners for a brighter future

While C!A’s team understands the status quo of government, they are not afraid to challenge it with new thinking.  It is this new thinking that has led to our clients’ success and helped them create a new way of doing government business.

About Change & Innovation

Public servants by experience and at heart, Change & Innovation Agency’s (C!A®) team understands first-hand the challenges that you and your team face as you work to deliver vital safety net benefits to children and families in need.

Our Team

Together, we work with you and your team to increase your capacity to do more good.

It all comes down to timeliness — how quickly you can deliver services to those who need them. That’s what our families care about, that’s what our legislators care about. With the transition to process management, we’ve turned our cycle time around. Applications that used to take 22 or 23 days to process, now take an average of 5.

Ronald Kreher, Director Department of Health and Social Services,State of Alaska Division of Public Assistance

Thought Leadership

Learn more about human services innovation through this collection of articles written by our team of change agents


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Case Studies

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